Armanc Yildiz, Ph.D

Project Title: A Spiritual Science? Knowledge, Health, and the Body in the Anthroposophy Movement.

2023: PhD in Social Anthropology, Harvard University.

Previous research supported by Wenner-Gren Foundation, Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Krupp Foundation, Cora Du Bois Foundation, Open Gate Foundation, and Center for European Studies at Harvard University.


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Anthroposophy is a spiritual school founded by Rudolf Steiner in 1912, which he called “a spiritual science.” In founding the Anthroposophical Society, Steiner aimed at bringing together occult knowledge, natural science, and Christianity. In this research project, I approach Anthroposophy ethnographically, as a lived religion, as a way of understanding the world, and as an approach to health and well-being in Germany. I am especially interested in how Anthroposophist medical doctors and everyday Anthroposophists negotiate, deliberate, and maybe reconcile science and spirituality.