PhD Project (2022–2024): Development of a Post-Migrant Muslim Identity (Research Area Migration)

  • BA History at School of Oriental and African Studies, London (United Kingdom)
  • MA in Global Studies at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, University of Pretoria (South Africa) and Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi (India)
  • Joint research conducted with the VNU University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Hanoi (Vietnam) and University of Nairobi and University of Karatine (Kenya)
  • Awarded for Humboldt 2021 the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Prize for outstanding academic performance and social engagement

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles:

  • ‘Keep it Halal! A Smartphone Ethnography of Muslim Dating’, Journal of Religion, Media and Digital Culture, 10 (2021) 135-154, doi:10.1163/21659214-bja10042, Brill, Boston 2021.
  • ‘Online Performative Articulations Muslim Youth Identity’, Religions, MDPI, Basel, Switzerland (forthcoming).

My project investigates the contemporary Muslim identity in Europe. It will analyse state representatives with a Muslim background in Germany in order to analyse the self-understanding of Muslims, specifically. It aims to assess the meaning of Islam for such actors and their self-understanding about their religion in light of global discourses about the role of religion in society. It will examine possible changes to their religious self-understanding when they undergo a professional socialisation process. The main research question is how do religious traditions and customs (Überlieferungen) of Islam take shape in post-migrant Germany? How does the post-migrant setting in Germany influence the religious self-understanding, being itself under constant transformation involving local and global influences? This project employs biographical methodological approaches and post-modern theoretical approaches in establishing how contemporary self-understandings of religious identity transform over the life course.